Monday, April 15, 2024

day 106 california

walt disney's "lady" whitman tell-a-tale book 25 cents. this book was one of my favorites. it doesn't have a date in it but i did a search and it may be 1954. others i found had a higher price. 25 is the lowest i found. i have had this since i was little. in the story there are two dogs named jock and trusty. everywhere that jock is mentioned, i changed his name to jack.literally i put an a where the o is. apparently i didn't like the name jock. it's a cute little short version of the beginning story of lady and the tramp. i read it to brad today and we got a little warm fuzzy for it. i used to read to him every single night. time goes so fast.

Friday, April 12, 2024

day 103 orange county

i saw peter frampton at mile square park all by myself. it was 1992. i heard that he was going to be performing and i went on over there! no one to go with? so what! i'm going! it's PETER FRAMPTON!!! he's pointing at me here..right? that's what i've been telling myself for the past 30 something years. it was pretty cool though. so random for him to be at that small park in fountain valley. i've seen him a few times over the years. and his book is awesome.