Saturday, May 1, 2021

day 121 silverado canyon

i went to a neighborhood art tour thing today and it was awesome. you drive to each house along silverado canyon road, 9 houses participated today, and they have their art out on patios and driveways for you to look at and buy if you want. i love silverado canyon and artsy stuff like this, so this was a perfect day for me. this bridge and road, that i walked not drove up, lead up to one of the houses, with dozens of hummingbirds all around! i was in heaven. the house and setting are perfect. i want to live there! the mother of the artist invited me in the house to see the sculpture her daughter did with hummingbirds. she said, you have to see this sculpture since you love hummingbirds so much. it was a beautiful sculpture. AND i got to eat a yummy sandwich from silverado canyon market. they are in the process of adding a restaurant to their small market. i sat in the new outdoor eating area that has a great view and just looks awesome. i can't wait until the restaurant is ready for customers. there were a few artists in modjeska canyon too but i didn't have enough time. next time they do this i will make time.

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